This is my experience of Radhika Khimji’s first solo exhibition at the Experimenter Ballygaunge gallery. Entwined in the relationship between figure and ground, form and context, mark and page, subject and object, flatness and depth, Khimji explores the body, its transitory nature and the act of looking and experiencing the body in space. Employing painting, life size sculpture and works on paper, Khimji questions how spaces are embodied, how figures are activated in space, and explores the relationship between a place and being placed. Human forms, especially the female body in transcendence, are clearly discernible in the works on view and seem to suggest directions in how the body may think, feel, navigate the world and negotiate its existence within different dynamics of power. The conceptual underpinning of Adorning Shadows may be viewed through several concurrent strands of thought that run through Khimji’s work such as Merleau-Ponty’s Eye and Mind on the felt and lived experi...